Michèle ÉKUÉ AHOUADI est Consultante internationale d’origine béninoise, inscrite au Tableau de l'Ordre Mondial des Experts Internationaux, N° 2561
Qualiticienne (quadruple certifiée IRCA, ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 & 22000)
Formatrice certifiée en leadership et intelligence émotionnelle
Experte en Développement Durable,
Docteur en Sciences de Management,
Promotrice de l’ONG REFEMM (Résilience et durabilité des femmes face aux défis climatiques)
CEO, depuis 2020 du Cabinet CEQUAF
Elle préside depuis Septembre 2025, l’Association des Experts Internationaux OMEI BÉNIN 🇧🇯
- Building a business on the Internet
Suggest you how to choose and introduce reputable places where lecturers have purchased domain names.
Gratuit - Effective online business method for products
Are you planning to start your own business but still haven't found a way to...
Gratuit - Complete retail on Facebook, Zalo, Shopee to have thousands of orders
In today's digital age, the explosive era of online sales, online sellers range from housewives,...
Gratuit - Make money from selling on Smartphone
With the popularization of smartphones by more than 40% of Vietnam's population, in big cities...
Gratuit - Complete set of Marketing, the art of selling online from basic to actual sales, billions of dollars in sales
In today's digital age, the explosive era of online sales, online sellers range from housewives,...
Gratuit - Implement your own online business
Make a business plan by yourself, implement the business methodically, in order to bring profit.