Content Marketing Certification Course
273 students
Last updated 09/2022
FREE Certification Course
Unlock your content marketing potential with HubSpot Academy’s Content Marketing Certification Course. Learn how to craft appealing, share-worthy content that captivates your audience and drives conversions. Gain insights from industry experts on building content optimization frameworks that can produce measurable results, and even how to work with influencers to increase your reach. Become a content marketing pro by earning our Content Marketing Certification!
Who is this for?
- Marketing Managers aiming to upskill content creation
- Content marketers looking to broaden their skills and reach
- Business owners looking to see results through an enhanced content strategy
What you’ll learn:
- Develop a strategic process for creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience
- Create a long-term plan to identify and achieve your content goals
- Implement the latest SEO tactics to increase your organic traffic and measure ROI through goal setting and performance tracking
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 3 hours
- Skill level Tous niveaux
- Language English
- Students 273
- Assessments Yes
There are no items in the curriculum yet.
Michèle ÉKUÉ AHOUADI est Consultante internationale d’origine béninoise, inscrite au Tableau de l'Ordre Mondial des Experts Internationaux, N° 2561
Qualiticienne (quadruple certifiée IRCA, ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 & 22000)
Formatrice certifiée en leadership et intelligence émotionnelle
Experte en Développement Durable,
Docteur en Sciences de Management,
Promotrice de l’ONG REFEMM (Résilience et durabilité des femmes face aux défis climatiques)
CEO, depuis 2020 du Cabinet CEQUAF
Elle préside depuis Septembre 2025, l’Association des Experts Internationaux OMEI BÉNIN 🇧🇯

Duration 10 semaines
273 students
Skill level Tous niveaux
0 lesson
0 quiz
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